27 Apr, 2014
Helmet - Mandatory
You MUST bring your own helmet (easy to buy at any bike shop) and carry the helmet with you entire race and WEAR the helmet during all rock scrambling sections and for all river rock sections including river gorge, swim area as climbing down rocks and final coastline on rocks before finish. Recommend wearing helmet the whole race for convenience. Any bike helmet is ok to use or climbing helmet.
Drinks on course
2 WATER CPs on course - Bonaqua water & Aquarius sport drink at both:
- 4km - Top of River gorge
- 6km - Reservoir after short 20m swim
- Please bring your own water bottle waist pack or hydration system for re-fill. You will not be allowed to take the bottle away from the checkpoint
ANYONE CAUGHT throwing garbage on course other than checkpoint will face instant disqualifaciton.
Finish Line - 1 Bonaqua or 1 Aquarius sport drink while quantities last and beer while quantities last. Music for all competitors and volunteers.
Please bring a camelback with 1.5 – 2 litre capacity or waist pack water bottle holder to use for refilling.
The 13km Course Route Description - Map in pdf download on left side
The start is inside the Discovery Bay plaza and leads out to the main sandy beach where you will run to the end of the beach, by the children’s swings. After running around the swings you will exit onto a cement road path and go up a short set of stairs, cross the main road (look both ways) then up a long set of mountain stairs to the top of a hill, turn left and the trail and stairs will wind back down to the main Discovery Bay road. This will take the fastest 20 minutes and 30 minutes for the average. You will have to cross the road so please be careful and look both ways before crossing and will be opposite the river entrance. You will have to climb over the small road barrier (1m high) then go into the river and turn right. You will stay in the river rock scrambling 200-300 m before taking the right river turn at a river junction. You will climb this first waterfall and go up a series of small waterfalls until you reach a small round metal tunnel that you will go up and over to the road and turn right on the road. This is where the water cp will be on this road. turning right on the road you will stay on the road 200m before going left on the first major trail junction and follow this trail to the very top of Lo Fu Tau where a timing checkpoint will be. Continue thru the Mtn top CP and take the first left junction down a steep mountain trail. Be very careful on this downhill as there are some rocks at the beginning of this trail and if you are going to fast (race leaders!!!) it is very easy to fall and injure yourself. Once at the bottom of the trail you will see the reservoir on your right side and walk down slowly into the reservoir for a small dunking in the water. You will have to swim along the rocks around 10 m so it is not really a swim but more a cooling measure to bring your body temperature down after the mountain climb that you will appreciate. When exiting the reservoir the Bonaqua/Aquarius water checkpoint will be there. This is around 5.6 km into the course so far. You will then continue along the main road towards the golf course entrance staying left hitting the first left trail entrance before the golf course. (Note some construction on golf course so slight detour off original trail but same direction. This trail will contour around 1.5 km around the golf course clockwise before reaching a trail junction where you will do a sharp left downhill turn. This downhill trail will be around 500 m (watch out for loose rock as easy to twist your ankle), until you reach the cement path by the Monastery. Turn left on the cement path and run down a very steep cement path/road for around 300 m before another sharp left turn on a cement path. This path will take you 300-400 m before some houses so please respect the people that live there as they could be walking on this narrow footpath. When you hit the beach by the first set of houses you will go straight to the beach and run 400 m along the coastline (easy flat beach with some rocks) then cut back onto the footpath next to you and take the cement footpath all the way back to Discovery Bay passing thru Nim Shue Wan. You will cross the main road and run directly across the street by the La Costa apartments where you will see a children’s playground you will cut thru. Watch out for children!!!! This small path will lead you to the water front promenade next to the ferry pier where you will run 200m along until you are right in front of the ferry by the bus terminal. Run up a few stairs and come out by the Pacific Coffee and stay close to the buildings with Wildfire close to you on your right side heading towards Dymocks Book store direction. Finish line in front of McSorelys Irish bar in square. AGAIN WATCH OUT FOR PEOPLE WHEN RUNNING INTO SQUARE….
Shorter Course
If any competitors want to drop out at the water checkpoint by the reservoir and not go further they will marked on the time sheet as DNF. Please notify the race control timing at the finish line immediately if you do this so we are not looking for you on the race course as we don’t want to send the emergency rescue after you and only find out you are at home already. So please inform us at the finish line timing if you drop out.
Cut off:
If competitors take more than 2 hours (11:00am) to do the first 4km of trail and river gorge they will be re-routed to the reservoir and given a time penalty for not doing the Lo Fu Tau mountain section. Anyone taking more than 3.5 hours to get to the reservoir 2nd water cp (6km) will be not allowed to continue and directed down the road direct to the finish line at DBay plaza and given DNF.
SHOWERS at end of beach by swings. Also some water taps around the gardens but pressure is not always strong.
LUGGAGE CHECK - yes at start and pick up same location after showing your race number. No valuables please.
http://www.actionxstore.com has good prices
Hong Kong Island stores:
G/F, 28 Bonham Strand
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Store Hours : +852 3102 2977+852 3102 2977
*MTR Exit: Sheung Wan – A2
Average Time Expected
2 hrs – 3.5 hrs
Previous Winners on Discovery Bay Course
Discovery Bay
Apr 2007 - Alex Copping - 1:10:45 (shorter)
Apr 2008 - Tsang Siu Keung (Stone) 1:17:21
May 2009 - Tsang Siu Keung (Stone) 1:18:06.
May 2010 - Jeremy Ritcey - 1:24:10
May 2011 - Clement Dumont - 1:16:57
May 2012 - Clement Dumont - 1:21:59
May 2013 - Romaine Riche - 1:30:30 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2007 - Hiko Takeda - 1:25:36 (shorter)
Apr 2008 - Claire Price - 1:28:59
May 2009 - Diana Danyi - 1:47:53
May 2010 - Jeanette Holmes-Thomson – 1:47:23
May 2011 - Baby Marites Bitbit - 1:41:13
May 2012 - Zein Williams - 1:39:55
May 2013 - Emma Bruce - 1:52:57 (extension at golf course)
If you must pass someone please yell, “passing on your left” or “passing on your right”. If someone is passing you please be considerate and let them overtake you. No pushing and shoving please.
Hydration & Food on course – Race Day – What YOU SHOULD BRING
How much water / energy drink to start with??? RECOMMEND SPORT DRINK AS SODIUM INSIDE TO REDUCE CRAMPING.
You must bring your own drinks to start with so recommend:
1.5 - 2 liters of sport/energy drink– If you plan on walking the course bring at least 3-4 gels and maybe 1 energy bar.
750 ml - 1 liter of sport/energy drink – If you plan on running the course (with 2-3 gels).
Hydration on Friday & Saturday BEFORE RACE DAY
Recommend to drink lots of water and energy drinks the day before the race. Don’t just drink water but get minerals / electrolytes in your body as well. We’re serious about this as with the hot Hong Kong weather and high humidity it is better to start hydrating TWO (2) DAYS BEFORE THE RACE.
Food on Friday & Saturday BEFORE RACE DAY
Recommend starting carbo-loading at least 48 hours before the race and not just waiting until the night before. AVOID MEAT THE NIGHT BEFORE as takes more than 24 hours to fully digest and will make you feel sluggish. Try to have a good breakfast (banana oatmeal, rice, etc) at least 2-3 hours before the start of the race in order for good digestion.
Garbage on the course
Where is the finish line?
Same as start line. Discovery Bay Plaza
Where to buy food after the race
Many restaurants to choose from. See www.hkri.com for more information on Dbay.
Sunscreen and Clothing
Recommend using sunscreen as in any kind of weather you can get burnt and wear light weight quick dry material shirt or singlet (Action SPRINT singlet) that will dry fast when wet. Note if you prefer running in cycling pants/tights a few people have ripped holes in their bums before from sliding on their bums so beware. Normal running shorts are fine. Some prefer a bit stronger material and slightly longer pair of shorts compared to the ultra-thin running shorts. Comes down to what you find comfortable in off road running.
All competitors at registration will get their singlet that we encourage you to wear in the race if you like as made out of a quick dry material good for running in. If you can’t make the race and have paid recommend you telling your friend to pick it up for you as race organizer will not be responsible for saving shirts after the race.
頭盔 – 規定裝備
水站2 個 - 均提供Bonaqua 飲用水及Aquarius運動飲品
第一水站位置: 約起跑後4公里,河溪頂位置
第二水站位置: 約起跑後6公里,水塘游泳部份後位置
請自備水樽、盛載器具或水袋式盛水裝置(建議1.5-2公升),方便於補給站補充水。水站的水樽不可帶走。任何被發現/ 舉報於補給站以外拋棄垃圾,將被取消參賽資格。
終點提供Bonaqua 飲用水或Aquarius運動飲品,派完即止。另設啤酒,派完即止。
13公里賽程 – 賽事地圖可於本賽事網頁左方”DOWNLOAD PDF”內下載。
當到達沙灘小屋群,請沿沙灘跑約400米(平坦碎石灘),隨後返回行人徑全程折返終點,途中經過稔樹灣。其後將橫過主馬路,旁邊為La Costa住所,穿過那處兒童遊樂場(請小心兒童!)此路將返回渡輪碼頭則的噴水池大道,再過200米便經過碼頭前巴士總站。上幾級梯級沿Pacific Coffee,經過Wildfire朝Dymocks方向。終點位於廣場內McSorelys Irish bar前面(起點跟終點相同)。再次提醒,請小心場內行人。
縮短賽程/ 中途退出賽事
若參賽者於中途退出賽事(例如水塘補給站),其賽時紀錄將被列為”未能完成賽事”(DNF)。請通知位於終點之大會計時工作人員,以便登記返回終點紀錄及減少/ 避免因誤會而假設參賽者仍於賽道上迷路/ 受傷等不必要情況。再次提醒各位退出之參賽者,向位於終點之大會計時工作人員報到(退出賽事),方便大會妥善紀錄及處理。
跑手包於Action X Store 領取,行李牌將放於跑手包內。收到行李牌後,請寫上參賽號碼(行李牌號碼跟參賽號碼相同),並於賽前把該行李牌綁於行李上,以便直接寄存行李。賽後,請出示閣下號碼布,工作人員將根據參賽號碼及經核對後,為閣下領取行李。請把貴重物品留於家中,如行李有損失,大會將不會負責。