03 Sep, 2022
Almost full so hurry if you want to grab the remaining spots as around 30 left
Event Name: 活動名稱: |
Action Sprint Trail Series - Repulse Bay, Hong Kong Action 動感亞洲越野跑步賽 – 淺水灣站 |
Date: 日期: |
September 3, 2022 (SATURDAY) (backup date if postponed due to bad weather is Sept 12) 2022年9月3日(星期六) |
Start Time: 起步時間: |
7:30 a.m (3hr cut-off) 早上7:30 |
Start/Finish: 起點/終點: |
CLUB ONE, PATIO, (White building by carpark) Repulse Bay Beach, Hong Kong 會所一號,淺水灣, 香港島 |
Distance: 賽程: |
14 km & 9 km 14公里及9公里 |
Category: 賽事類別: |
Hiking & trail run 遠足及越野跑 |
Aim: 目的: |
To see beautiful scenery off the main trails and into locations people don't usually go while reducing our carbon footprint 透過跑步活動,帶領參賽者前往及欣賞日常生活少見的山林地貌及減少炭排放足跡。 |
Course is almost 100% runnable - click course on tab to see route. 賽道接近100%能跑 - 請參閱比賽路線頁。
Pandemic measures -
Google link for uploading PCR TEST RESULT within 48hrs a must https://forms.gle/PgHpNFfzh8zrHy5y9 or email to payment@actionasiaevents.com if uploading issues. Need to have the record with you for spot checks (paper or digital). Please note that you must get tested by the time the race starts in order to race. Government requires testing so there is no exceptions. PCR 測試要於比賽前48小時內做,之後上 https://forms.gle/PgHpNFfzh8zrHy5y9 如有問題可電郵到 payment@actionasiaevents.com。請也將資料放在手機內因有機會政府部門會查。
Due to the pandemic there will be precautionary measures related to COVID-19 to be taken by the Organiser at this event including all participants must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 (i.e. receiving three doses 14 days before event), which is the entry requirement of the race. Participants are required to upload their vaccination records during online enrolment or shortly after to google link provided. (link tbc) Participants are also required to show the vaccination records on the event day for checking as and when required.
Vaccinated record upload link -
PCR test - Must be done within 48 hrs of race and uploaded to (link tbc) or email to payment@actionasiaevents.com if uploading issues.
Face masks must be worn at start and finish area.
Full precautionary measures will be uploaded as a pdf to this page including wave starts if required.
WHERE to get PCR Test (if required) - please note if the HK Government is requesting participants take a PCR test within 48 hours of the race we recommend the cheapest way to do this is choose one of the govt locations across HK (HKD 240) at https://www.communitytest.gov.hk/en/ as need to do within 48hrs of event). The Hong Kong government can change the health regulations at any time without any notice.
Weather - This race will NOT be cancelled in any type of weather unless Typhoon 8 signal is hoisted at 5am on race morning, but please see weather update info in Rules & Regulations tab. A message will be put up on website (and facebook page) if cancelled latest 5am race morning. If postponed the race will be rescheduled.
Back up date - if postponed due to bad weather their will be a backup date.
Race start and suspension, stoppage policy.. (see also Rules & Regulations for most updated)
1. T8 is up 2 hrs [before] race start. Race cancelled.
2. T3 is up 15 mins before race start, decision to start made on course conditions and other prevailing weather factors eg. TS warning up, lightning . Will base any postponement, cancellation on the key course marshals in various positions on the course and forerunners to provide feedback before the event start.
3. Thunderstorms. If TS warning is in place 15 minutes before the start, the start will be postponed until thunderstorm is cancelled and then restarted at later time in same day. If TS warning goes up during event, then participants will be asked to finish at next checkpoint for the official finish time and then, unless so directed by the CP leader of an alternate race course, the participants will have to make their way back to start/finish where their bags are. Participants should have cash/octopus card - mandatory equipment. Race Director has final say.
比賽開始、暫停以及停賽政策 (同時請參閱規則與條款最新更新)
1.如在比賽前兩小時天文臺發出 8 號風球預警。 比賽將被取消。
2.如在比賽前15分鐘天文臺發出3號風球預警到達,則由賽道狀況及其他天氣狀況決定是否開賽, 例如:雷暴預警、閃電。
3. 雷暴。 如果雷暴預警於比賽開始前15分鐘到達,比賽將被推遲。 雷暴預警取消後,比賽將在當日晚些時候重新啟動。 如果雷暴預警在比賽期間加強,參賽者則需要在下一個檢查站登記正式結束時間。 除非檢查站人員有其他指示,參賽者則需要回到起點或終點取回行李。 參賽者必須攜帶現金或八達通—必備物品。
Insurance - Organizer provides 3rd party insurance for event only. Participants should purchase their own personal insurance to cover hospital medical coverage and evacuation if needed.
保險 - 主辦單位只提供活動第三者責任保險。參加者應購買個人保險,以應付醫院醫療及意外撤離費用。
Race Numbers & Singlets
You will be given your Race number & pins in your race pack which must be worn somewhere visible on the FRONT of you. Inside the race pack you’ll also get a souvenir singlet quick dry shirt singlet, which we encourage you to wear in the race to help us keep the sponsorship with them.
Name display on race bib only available for participants registering on or before August 16, 2022.
Getting to Repulse Bay
Buses from Queensway (in front of Admiralty MTR) and Exchange Square, Central
6x, 260, 65, 73, 973
巴士 - 金鐘廊(港鐵金鐘站)及交易廣場,中環6x, 260, 65, 73, 973
Toilets upon arrival
Large LCSD facility with showers, toilets for all in front of start & finish area.
Shirt - Singlet