16 Nov, 2024

22 Days

2024 - Action Asia 50 Taiwan

 16 Nov, 2024
 Shihmen Reservoir, Taoyuan County Trail run

Rules & Regulations 規則與條款


1. 號碼布必須掛於胸前當眼位置。不接受掛於背後。

2. 任何被發現/ 舉報於補給站以外拋棄垃圾,將被取消參賽資格。

3. 水站不提供樽裝水 / 水杯,參賽者必須自備水樽、盛載器具或水袋式盛水裝置(建議最少容量1公升),於補給站補充水。

4. 中途退出之參賽者,須向就近之檢查站 / 終點之大會計時工作人員報到(退出賽事),以便大會妥善紀錄及處理。

5. 參賽者須沿大會指定路線完成賽事,任何使用捷徑等出術情況,則被取消參賽資格。

6. 賽事總監保留最後決定權。






越野守則/ 越野安全

1. 超前



2. 播放音樂


保持適當音量,以保持對後方參賽者超前/ 周圍環境之警覺性。

3. 拋棄垃圾



4. 循環再用/ 放棄使用水杯




注意: 本頁或將賽事前數週再次更新/ 加入資料,請留意稍後更新。所有信息以英文版為準。


Official Rules & Regulations


1. Race number to be worn on FRONT of you. Not on your back.

2. No throwing any garbage of any kind on trail or face disqualification.

3. No water bottles at checkpoints so you must bring your own hydration system (min 1.5 litre capacity) with water bottle or bladder for refill.

4. Should you drop out you must notify the nearest checkpoint and leave your race number, name and tel number or face emergency rescue costs bill for looking for you.

5. You must stay on marked course and no short cutting is allowed or result in disqualification.

6. Protest over rules when finished - If anyone disagrees with a situation along the course, wishes to submit a formal protest in writing to the finish line counter, this must be done within 30 minutes of your finish time together with NT400 cash and written on paper.  If this is not officially done, the race organizer will not consider the discussion an official protest.

7. Personal hygiene - Please show respect in not putting your mouth on the water tap and please do not put your banana in your mouth then put the banana in salt or face serious time penalty or possible disqualification and removal from race.

8. Race Director has final say on all matters.

Mandatory equipment

1. Participants should have cash/octopus card for public transport too make there way back to where there luggage is located in case of bad weather.

Race start and suspension, stoppage policy.

Check office website at 3am race morning if bad weather for cancellation notice.


Trail etiquette / Trail Safety / Eco-friendly vignette scripts

1.    Passing

We don’t all run at the same pace.

When you’re on the trail, be aware of faster runners wanting to pass, and keep left where possible. PLEASE KEEP LEFT and PASS RIGHT side when approaching.

If you’re passing slower runners, give plenty of notice and slow down if you have to. Shout out ‘On your right’ or ‘Passing on the right’ to warn them of your approach.

The extra care taken is a small price to pay for keeping everyone safe and happy on the trails.

2.    Music

Music is a great motivator when running whether it’s in training or during a race.

There’s nothing like some great tunes to lift your spirits and keep the pace.

Keep you volume low enough to hear approaching runners, and be aware of changing terrain. When the trail narrows or get more crowded, you may need to turn down or turn off your music just so everyone can share the trail, and run or pass safely.

Plug in, but don’t tune out!

3.    Litter

Gels, bars, sweets, bananas … having a snack on the trails is great to keep your energy levels up, but don’t forget to take your trash with you!

We love the trails and we can all do our part to keeping them beautiful and litter-free. Pick up after yourself, or someone else!

Take nothing but pictures, and leave nothing behind but footprints.

4.    Recyling / No Cups racing

The average runner uses 3 paper cups over a 9km race. 

Over 50k, that’s a lot of cups. Let’s help save the environment racing with NO CUPS. Use a reusable bottle, hydration bag or a foldable cup during a race, and take only what you need. 

It just takes a small effort from everyone to make a big difference in the world we live in.

NOTE: Please read this page closer to race week as could be updated with further changes depending on country.

22 Days

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