19 May, 2024


2024 - Action SPRINT Trail Run, DBay, Lantau, Hong Kong

 19 May, 2024
 Discovery Bay, Lantau, Hong Kong Trail run and hiking options

Course 比賽路線

Two Distances 2個距

12 km - (11.9km) elevation gain 675m & elevation loss 675m (Max elev 465m) – 4.5 hour cut-off (CP1 cutoff 2.5 hrs)
9 km - (9.5km) elevation gain 395m & elevation loss 358m (Max elev 196m) – 3.5 hour cut-off
12公里 - 總爬升675米,總下降675米 (最高點 465米) – 限時 4.5小時
9公里 - 總爬升395米,總下降395米 (最高點 196米) – 限時 3.5小時

Strava link 12 km  https://www.strava.com/routes/16963082

GPX file 12km

(1 water food cp - estimate 5k)

Strava link 9 km https://www.strava.com/routes/12738789

GPX file 9km Action Sprint DBAY

(1 water food cp - estimate 3k)

地圖可於左方"Download PDF"下載。

Start & Finish – Discovery Bay Plaza
起點及終點 – 愉景灣廣場

Course marking - PINK A4 size signs and bright PINK ribbons
路線指示 – 粉紅色A4尺碼路標及粉紅色絲帶


12Km公里 (11.9Km公里)

Elevation gain 675m & elevation loss 675m (Max elev 465m) – 4.5 hour cut-off

總爬升675米,總下降675米 (最高點 465米) – 限時 4.5小時


The start is inside the Discovery Bay plaza and leads out to the main sandy beach where you will run to the end of the beach, by the children’s swings/cargo net area. After running around the swings you will exit onto a cement road path and turn immediate LEFT  and run down side lane until the main Discovery Valley Road junction. You will have to cross the road so please be careful and look both ways before crossing. Run up sidewalk around 1km uphill to first right turn road that leads to old Sprint cp and continue up this road to entrance of Lo Fu Tau trail.  This will take the fastest 20 minutes and 40 minutes for the average. When you leave the Discovery Bay Valley Road turning right on small road, stay on the road 200m before going left on the first major trail junction and follow this trail to the very top of Lo Fu Tau where a timing checkpoint will be. Continue thru the Mtn top CP and take the first left junction down a steep mountain trail. Be very careful on this downhill as there are some rocks at the beginning of this trail and if you are going to fast (race leaders!!!) it is very easy to fall and injure yourself. Once at the bottom of the trail you will see the reservoir on your right side and water checkpoint will be there. (remember Bonaqua carboys so bring your own hydration system for refill).  This is around 5.5 km into the course so far. You will then continue along the main road towards the golf course entrance staying left hitting the first left trail entrance before the golf course. (Note some construction on golf course so slight detour off original trail but same direction. This trail will contour around 1.5 km around the golf course clockwise before reaching a trail junction where you will do a sharp left downhill turn. This downhill trail will be around 500 m (watch out for loose rock as easy to twist your ankle), until you reach the cement path by the Monastery. Turn left on the cement path and run down a very steep cement path/road for around 300 m before another sharp left turn on a cement path. This path will take you 300-400 m before some houses so please respect the people that live there as they could be walking on this narrow footpath. When you hit the beach by the first set of houses you will go straight to the beach and run 400 m along the coastline (easy flat beach with some rocks) then cut back onto the footpath next to you and take the cement footpath all the way back to Discovery Bay passing thru Nim Shue Wan. You will cross the main road and run directly across the street by the La Costa apartments and then through waterfront to the main south plaza where the marshal will direct you in to the plaza Watch out for children!!!!  Finish line in south plaza in square. AGAIN WATCH OUT FOR PEOPLE WHEN RUNNING INTO SQUARE….








9Km公里 (9.2Km公里)

Elevation gain 358m & elevation loss 358m (Max elev 200m) – 3.5 hour cut-off

總爬升358米,總下降358米 (最高點 200米) – 限時 3.5小時

Course marking - PINK A4 size signs and bright PINK ribbons (until approx 2.7km where marshal will direct 9km runners to reservoir cp to continue avoiding the Lo Fu Tau climb).
路線指示 – 粉紅色A4尺碼路標及粉紅色絲帶

The start is inside the Discovery Bay plaza and leads out to the main sandy beach where you will run to the end of the beach, by the children’s swings/cargo net area. After running around the swings you will exit onto a cement road path and turn immediate LEFT  and run down side lane until the main Discovery Valley Road junction. You will have to cross the road so please be careful and look both ways before crossing. Run up sidewalk on  Discovery Valley Road until the reservoir. It will be CP1. It is about 3km  into the  course so far. (remember Bonaqua carboys so bring your own hydration system for refill). You will then continue along the main road towards the golf course entrance staying left hitting the first left trail entrance before the golf course. (Note some construction on golf course so slight detour off original trail but same direction. This trail will contour around 1.5 km around the golf course clockwise before reaching a trail junction where you will do a sharp left downhill turn. This downhill trail will be around 500 m (watch out for loose rock as easy to twist your ankle), until you reach the cement path by the Monastery. Turn left on the cement path and run down a very steep cement path/road for around 300 m before another sharp left turn on a cement path. This path will take you 300-400 m before some houses so please respect the people that live there as they could be walking on this narrow footpath. When you hit the beach by the first set of houses you will go straight to the beach and run 400 m along the coastline (easy flat beach with some rocks)then cut back onto the footpath next to you and take the cement footpath all the way back to Discovery Bay passing thru Nim Shue Wan. You will cross the main road and run directly across the street by the La Costa apartments and then through waterfront to the main south plaza where the marshal will direct you in to the plaza Watch out for children!!!!  Finish line in front of McSorelys Irish bar in square. AGAIN WATCH OUT FOR PEOPLE WHEN RUNNING INTO SQUARE….







 *2019 as mostly same except no nuts and still trying to find beer sponsor!!



Cut off of CP1 for 12km:

If competitors take more than 2 hours 30 minutes for the first 5.5 km they will be re-routed down Discovery Bay Valley Road to direct to the plaza finish. This is due to the sweeper removing ribbons and removing safety staff.




Bonaqua water in carboys at CP - no cup policy so PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN bottle or hydration system for refill and be green to reduce plastic
檢查點水站使用Bonaqua 桶裝水 – 本賽事不提供杯,以支持環保,參加者請帶備水樽、水袋、水杯或盛水系統,以作補充。




Finish Line - Bonaqua in carboys - please bring your own bottle or hydration system for refill

終點 - 使用Bonaqua 桶裝水 - 請帶備水樽、水袋、水杯或盛水系統,以作補充。


DON’T THROW ANY GARBAGE ON THE COURSE. Result in disqualification if caught. Lets all keep Hong Kong and our beautiful country side clean.



Course Designer  - Designed by Michael Maddess who has worked on over 290 events.

路線設計 – 由曾主辦超過190場賽事的麥龍生設計


Average Time Expected平均完成時間

2 hrs小時 – 3 hrs小時

Previous Winners on Discovery Bay Course 愉景灣賽事過往冠軍


Apr 2007  2007年4月- Alex Copping - 1:10:45 (shorter)
Apr 2008 2008年4月- Tsang Siu Keung (Stone) 1:17:21
May 2009 2009年5月- Tsang Siu Keung (Stone) 1:18:06.
May 2010 2010年5月- Jeremy Ritcey - 1:24:10
May 2011 2011年5月- Clement Dumont - 1:16:57
May 2012 2012年5月- Clement Dumont - 1:21:59
May 2013 2013年5月- Romaine Riche - 1:30:30 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2014 2014年4月- Cheung Wai Hung - 1:43:11 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2015 2015年4月- Clement Dumont - 1:23:08 (extension at golf course)
Mar 2016 2016年3月- Vlad Ixel - 1:18:42 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2017 2017年4月- Seth Fischer - 1:29:10 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2018 2018年4月- Ng Wai Hei - 1:15:23 (Shorter)

Apr 2019 Vlad Ixel - 01:07:20

Apr 2023 - Vlad Ixel - 01:06:51



Apr 2007 2007年4月- Hiko Takeda - 1:25:36 (shorter)
Apr 2008 2008年4月- Claire Price - 1:28:59
May 2009 2009年5月- Diana Danyi - 1:47:53
May 2010 2010年5月- Jeanette Holmes-Thomson – 1:47:23
May 2011 2011年5月- Baby Marites Bitbit - 1:41:13
May 2012 2012年5月- Zein Williams - 1:39:55
May 2013 2013年5月- Emma Bruce - 1:52:57 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2014  2014年4月- Zein Williams - 1:45:05 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2015 2015年4月- Zein Williams - 1:43:23 (extension at golf course)
Mar 2016  2016年3月- Zein Williams - 1:39:04 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2017 2017年4月- Joyce Edmondson - 1:48:16 (extension at golf course)
Apr 2018 2018年4月- Zein Williams - 1:29:28 (Shorter)

Apr 2019 - Zein Williams - 1:23:40 (12k course)

Apr 2023 - Zein Williams - 01:26:02 (12k course)


SHOWERS at end of beach by swings. Also some water taps around the gardens but pressure is not always strong.




LUGGAGE CHECK - yes at start and pick up same location after showing your race number. No valuables please.

行李寄存 – 起點位置設有行李寄存,須出示號碼布取回行李,請勿擭帶貴重物品。



Please be considerate and turn your music down so you can hear others approaching. See rules & regulations tab on this page. If you must pass someone please yell, “passing on your left” or “passing on your right”. If someone is passing you please be considerate and let them overtake you. No pushing and shoving please.


How much water / sport drink to start with??? RECOMMEND SPORT DRINK AS SODIUM INSIDE TO REDUCE CRAMPING.

You must bring your own drinks to start with so recommend:

1 - 1.5 liters of water or sport drink– If you plan on walking the course bring at least 2-3 gels and maybe 1 energy bar.

起步時須要多少水/運動飲品??? 建議帶備運動飲品以減少抽筋機會



Hydration on Friday & Saturday BEFORE RACE DAY

Recommend stay well hydrated 2 days leading up to race - drink lots of water the day before the race. Don’t just drink water but get minerals / electrolytes in your body as well.



Food on Friday & Saturday BEFORE RACE DAY

Recommend starting carbo-loading at least 48 hours before the race and not just waiting until the night before. AVOID MEAT THE NIGHT BEFORE as takes more than 24 hours to fully digest and will make you feel sluggish. Try to have a good breakfast (banana oatmeal, rice, etc) at least 2-3 hours before the start of the race in order for good digestion.



Garbage on the course





Where to buy food after the race

Many restaurants to choose from. See www.hkri.com for more information on Dbay.




Sunscreen and Clothing

Recommend using sunscreen on back of neck, shoulders, face and arms as in any kind of weather you can get burnt.

Shirts - Recommend wearing lightweight singlet or the official quick dry material singlet given out at registration if you have paid and registered before the race. Quick dry material will dry fast when wet.

Shorts - Normal running shorts are fine. See running short specials at Action X Store www.actionxstore.com (Sheung Wan) Go recce the course and find out which is best for you.




可到 Action X 選購, 透過試路找出合適的裝備。


Course Designer:

Designed by Michael Maddess (Race Director & Course Designer) who's organized over 290 events with Action Asia Events and one of the most experienced Race Directors in Asia with a wealth of experience. Michael Maddess an active trail runner, originally from Vancouver, Canada who was Race Director of the World Police Fire Games Triathlon in Canada before moving to Asia, organizes the Action Asia 50 series in Hong Kong (4 races), Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, 3 day 100km ultra marathon stage events in Mongolia, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Yunnan/Sichuan China, Vietnam and Laos, has organized over 17 Action Asia Challenge adventure races across Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan & HK, 2 Vietnam adventure races, 2 Nepal Himalayan Mountain Bike races, over 30 Action SPRINT HK adventure races, 8 Action Asia Off Road HK bike races, worked/competed in numerous other road races/triathlons including finishing 3 Ironman triathlons (10hrs 46min), 1st runner-up in 100km Oxfam trailwalker in 11hrs 16min (record for HK resident) 3x in 13 hrs 25 min, 12hrs 44min, 12hrs 39min, winning team Wilson Trail full & half 5x (78km - 10hr14min), 3rd in HK100 (1st edition) in 12hrs 30min, winner of Sabah 3 day adventure race 3x, 8th overall Gobi 250km race suffering from hypothermia and still holds a couple KOTH HK marathon records. He's also coached dragonboat, soccer and baseball teams, climbed to 16,000+ft in Bhutan, 15,000+ft Nepal Annapurna Basecamp, made it up to 5000m 4Sisters in Sichuan within 24hrs of getting off plane (not recommended) and free jumps off high bridges in Nepal for fun. If he's not outside designing a course, doing something extreme, he's not having fun.