08 Mar, 2025
活動名稱: Event: |
動感亞洲越野賽 台灣貓空站 Action Asia X-Trail Maokong - Taiwan |
日期: Date: |
2025年3月8日 (週六) March 8, 2025 (SATURDAY) |
起步時間: Time: |
早上8:00 8:00 a.m. |
地點: Location: |
貓空纜車站停車場, 大約指南宮廟(大雄寶殿)上方 100米 Zhi Nan Gong Gondola station above Zhi Nan Temple, Maokong Area, Taipei (LOCATION OF START MOVED 100 METERS ABOVE TEMPLE TO GONDOLA STATION) |
賽程: Distance: |
9公里 17公里及25公里 9km, 17km, 25km |
賽事類別: Category: |
越野跑,行山 Trail Running - Hiking |
Please note small change on 26km course as distance now 25km. Please make sure you train as lots of small technical hills.
起點及終點: 貓空纜車站停車場, 大約指南宮廟(大雄寶殿)上方 100米
Start & Finish Location: Zhi Nan Gong Gondola station above Zhi Nan Temple, Maokong Area, Taipei
交通:大會提供單程穿梭巴士(報名時須額外購買車票 4美元),早上6時45分從台北動物園捷運站出發,下車後步行7分鐘。
Transport to start: Shuttle bus leaving TAIPEI Zoo MRT station from 6:45am. Then 7 minute walk uphill. (Extra US$4 for bus ticket can be purchased when registered online)
賽後可乘坐纜車下山,營運時段早上8:30開始(每20分鐘一班) http://gondola.trtc.com.tw/eng/information.htm
Gondola after race going down as open after 8:30am and 20 minute ride.http://gondola.trtc.com.tw/eng/information.htm
Drinks: Water at checkpoints and finish.
跑手包提取: 請見“參賽物品及領取方式”網頁 (詳情稍後公佈)
Race pack pick up: Please click the "Race Pack Pick Up and Registration" Tab (tbc)
If you need to pickup racepack on raceday, the cost is TWD 100. You can pay for it during registration.
如需要在起點取跑手包,可以在報名時付 TWD 100.
Shirts: First 800 runners receive a quick dry tee.
背心尺碼: 加細碼、細碼、中碼、大碼、加大碼 (亞洲尺碼,詳情可參閱尺碼附檔)
Shirt Singlet Sizes XS, S, M, L, XL (Asian sizes).- See size chart uploaded.
Finish Medal to all finishers
Race shirt
* 主辦單位保留因應贊助商要求更改獎牌、獎盃、紀念服及其他物品權利。
* Organizer has right to change medal, trophy, shirts, and other materials to tailor make for sponsor requests.