08 Mar, 2025


2025 - Action Asia X-Trail - Maokong - Taiwan

 08 Mar, 2025
 Chi Nan Temple, Maokong, Taipei Trail run

Transport to Start

Action Asia Events




PLEASE DON’T THROW ANY GARBAGE ON THE COURSE. No drink bottles allowed to be taken away from water cp as we want to keep the trails clean. 請不要於賽道上棄置垃圾。各水站提供之水樽不能拿走,要於水站飲完後才可繼 續比賽。





Getting to Zhi Nan Temple (Chi Nan Gong)怎樣前往指南宮

1.Getting to the run start 往起點: 1. Take a taxi to Chin Nan Temple - 指南宫 (Around NT320 from Taipei Main station) Takes 25 minutes. Easiest way.

從台北捷運站乘的士直接前往。大約台幣 320 元。時間約 25 分鐘。最方便 快捷的方法。

2. Take the MRT to Wanfang Hospital on the brown Muzha line then taxi to Chin Nan Temple - 指南宫 乘搭捷運到萬芳醫院站(棕色木柵線)然後轉乘的士到指南宮。

3. Take the MRT to Wanfang Hospital on the brown Muzha line. Walk out the only exit, cross the road, turn right and walk approx 100m to the last bus stand, Get on bus No 530. Starts at 5:30am with buses running every 15-20min. Get off at Chin Nan Temple - 指南宫 乘搭捷運到萬芳醫院站(棕色木柵線),然後於唯一出口 à過馬路 à然後 轉右再行大約 100 米巴士站。乘搭巴士 530 號。該巴士 路線從每天早上五時半開出,每十五至廿分鐘一班。於指南宮站下車。

Once at Chin Nan Temple follow the signs to the race start.



Going home from Zhi Nan Gong 由指南宮回家:

1. Get a taxi above or below temple (easier below) 於指南宮附近乘坐的士(指南宮下面比較容易)

2. Walk to the bottom of Chin Nan Temple and get bus 530 back to Wanfang Hospital MRT Station 走到指南宮廟最底,然後乘搭 530 巴士到萬芳醫院站。

3. Ride the Gondola down to Muzha MRT Station and take MRT back into town. 乘搭纜車到木柵捷運站。





Website for Bus 530:


Taipei MRT Metro Info:  https://english.metro.taipei/cp.aspx?n=1BE0AF76C79F9A38