26 Apr, 2025

44 Days

2025 - Action Sprint Trail Series Repulse Bay

 26 Apr, 2025
 Repulse Bay, Hong Kong Island Trail run and hiking options

Course 比賽路線

 Two Distances 2個距

14Km - elevation gain 751m & elevation loss 749m (Max elev 417m) – 4 hour cut-off (cp1 cut-off 2.5hrs)
9Km - elevation gain 568m & elevation loss 567m (Max elev 417m) – 3 hour cut-off
14公里 - 總爬升751米,總下降749米 (最高點 417米) – 限時 4小時 (cp1 cut-off 2.5hrs)
9公里 - 總爬升568米,總下降567米 (最高點 471米) – 限時 3小時

14km -Strava - https://www.strava.com/routes/2982627702319698520

(1 water food cp - estimate 11k)

9km - Strava - https://www.strava.com/routes/2982628679453676448

(no water food cp as only at finish so please bring enough for 9k)

(note start/finish in front of PULSE shopping centre on beach)

GPX files

GPX 14km - Download GPX file 下載GPX檔案


GPX 9km - Download GPX file 下載GPX檔案


地圖可於左方"Download PDF"下載。

Start & Finish – Repulse Bay 
起點及終點 – 淺水灣

Course marking - Yellow A4 size signs and bright orange ribbons
路線指示 – 黃色A4尺碼路標及橙色絲帶


14Km公里 (14.9Km公里)

Elevation gain 751m & elevation loss 749m (Max elev 417m) – 4 hour cut-off

總爬升751米,總下降749米 (最高點 417米) – 限時 4小時

Starts at Repulse Bay Beach 100m east along the beach from the 7-11 store and starts with a beach run going West direction for 100m around a lifeguard stand number 4, turns back right running on the sand near water heading WEST to lifeguard stand 1 and go all the way around clockwise then head out at 7-11 exit and turn right when facing 7-11 and then first left turn on road heading uphill steep road to South Bay Road and left again up South Bay road to next round-a-bout (near Petrol station) then right turn up South Bay Close that takes you up a deadend with stairs on left leading to trail to Repulse Bay Gap (Tsin Shui Wan Au). LEFT turn up Wilson trail stairs until first intersection 100m up and left turn on Tsz Lo Lan Shan Path trail contouring around Violet Hill. stay on trail all the way which eventually after 2km turns into a cement catchwater and stay on all the way until the very end at Wong Nai Chung Gap and turn right up stairs. This trail leads up around 1km past a white trig, drops down 100m into a valley then up a dirt trail again until a signed junction where you turn right on Wilson Trail and head down path which has some stair sections until same 4 way junction you passed earlier. Then turn sharp left at this 4 way juntion and stay on trail which turns on to a paved catchwater until the end when you reach a bridge and cross turn right on paved road and then turn right at next signed junction at the reservoir dam and follow Tai Tam Reservoir Road downhill 1km until water check point by right turn leading to Intermediate reservoir. Follow trail around reservoir and uphill to Repulse Bay gap bridge (Tsin Shui Wan Au) and turn left and sharp right by rubbish bins 3meter later and take same trail you came up earlier back down to South Bay Close, then on road downhill turning LEFT on South Bay Road and turn right down by shopping centre and turn LEFT by 7-11 and on to sand on beach and run along sand on beach until finish in front of childrens playground by Classified restaurant and coffee shop.

Course pictures on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10153384252932807.1073742014.269343042806&type=3&uploaded=53









9Km公里 (9.1Km公里)

Elevation gain 568m & elevation loss 567m (Max elev 417m) – 3 hour cut-off

總爬升568米,總下降567米 (最高點 471米) – 限時 3小時

Starts at Repulse Bay Beach 100m east along the beach from the 7-11 store and starts with a beach run going West direction for 100m around a lifeguard stand number 4, turns back right running on the sand near water heading WEST to lifeguard stand 1 and go all the way around clockwise then head out at 7-11 exit and turn right when facing 7-11 and then first left turn on road heading uphill steep road to South Bay Road and left again up South Bay road to next round-a-bout (near Petrol station) then right turn up South Bay Close that takes you up a dead end with stairs on left leading to trail to Repulse Bay Gap (Tsin Shui Wan Au). LEFT turn up Wilson trail stairs until first intersection 100m up and left turn on Tsz Lo Lan Shan Path trail contouring around Violet Hill. Stay on trail all the way which eventually after 2km turns into a cement catchwater and stay on all the way until the very end at Wong Nai Chung Gap and turn right up stairs. This trail leads up around 1km past a white trig, drops down 100m into a valley then up a dirt trail again until a signed junction where you turn right on Wilson Trail and head down path which has some stair sections until same 4 way junction you passed earlier. Go straight and take same trail you came up earlier back down to South Bay Close, then on road downhill turning LEFT on South Bay Road and turn right down by shopping centre and turn LEFT by 7-11 and on to sand on beach and run along sand on beach until finish in front of children playground by Classified restaurant and coffee shop.













Bonaqua water in carboys at CP - no cup policy so PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN bottle or hydration system for refill and be green to reduce plastic
檢查點水站使用Bonaqua 桶裝水 – 本賽事不提供杯,以支持環保,參加者請帶備水樽、水袋、水杯或盛水系統,以作補充。




Finish Line - Bonaqua in carboys - please bring your own bottle or hydration system for refill

終點 - 使用Bonaqua 桶裝水 - 請帶備水樽、水袋、水杯或盛水系統,以作補充。


DON’T THROW ANY GARBAGE ON THE COURSE. Result in disqualification if caught. Lets all keep Hong Kong and our beautiful country parks clean.



What to do if an accident on the course

There are marshals around the course, together with medical first aid at CP and finish area. If you see someone who is in obvious need of help please stay with them and ask the next person who passes you to request for help to the next marshal on course and let them know the competitor number/name if possible and what kind of injury it is. (I.e. broken ankle, twisted knee, injured arm, life threatening, etc). The person you ask to get help should continue along the course to the first available marshal and tell them the location of the injured person. The marshal they contact will phone, radio or SMS the emergency headquarters who will dispatch someone to come out. Depending on the seriousness and location of where on the course this could be someone walking/running, car even helicopter depending on seriousness. If at finish line and injured they may call an ambulance or even a taxi and tell you to go to the Hospital to be treated.



Briefing before the race

There will be a short briefing 10 minutes before the race at the start area. This is to highlight issues above and any other new forgotten issues. If any competitors have issues that think should be raised, please email them to us at enquires@actionasiaevents.com and we will view your comments.


開賽前10分鐘在起點將進行講解,將重新提醒參加者一些被忽視的事項。如在賽前有任何問題可電郵,enquires@actionasiaevents.com ,主辦單位會看到有關意見。

Average Time Expected 預計平均完成時間

1.5 - 2.5hrs 小時

Past Repulse Bay Course Winners (when river gullies were included - NOT included 2016 now due to new AFCD govt guidelines - So expect faster times. )

淺水灣賽事過往冠軍 (2016 起由於漁護署發出新指引,不再包括溪澗路段,預計現時完成時將較快。)


Mar 2004 2004年3月 - Neil Tate / Mark Williams (tie) - 1:07:01 (shorter)
Jan 2005 2005年1月- Gary Mandy - 1:17:10
Apr 2006 2006年4月- Pedro Ribeiro - 1:23:05
Feb 2007 2007年2月- Adrian King - 1:17:40
Mar 2008 2008年3月- Stone Tsang Siu Keung - 1:13:35
Mar 2009 2009年3月- Chuck Cosman - 1:16:30
Mar 2010 2010年3月- Jeremy Ritcey - 1:17:47
Feb 2011 2011年2月- Clement Dumont - 1:10:27
Mar 2012 2012年3月- Jantaraboon Kiangchaipaiphana - 1:13:39
Mar 2013 2013年3月- Mark Western - 1:21:30
Apr 2014 2014年4月- Romain Riche - 1:21:56
Apr 2015 2015年4月- Santosh Tamang - 1:19:56
Feb 2016 2016年2月- Brian McFlynn - 1:21:20
Apr 2017 2017年4月- Vlad Ixel - 1:13:27

Mar 2018 2018年3月- Ryan Whelan - 1:14:58

May 2019  2019年5月 Adrien Konareff 01:09:49

Sept 2022 2022年9月 Ryan Whelan 01:13:52


Mar 2004 2004年3月 Sean Ho Kit Yeung 1:41:01

Jan 2005 2005年1月- Hisayo Takeda - 1:32:40
Apr 2006 2005年4月- Rebecca Climie - 1:50:14
Feb 2007 2007年2月- Anne Beetham - 1:41:46
Mar 2008 2008年3月- Claire Price - 1:28:17
Mar 2009 2009年3月- Juliane Rethfeldt - 1:44:12
Mar 2010 2010年3月- Claire Chapman - 1:40:10
Feb 2011 2011年2月- Nadia Koucha - 1:34:00
Mar 2012 2012年3月- Emma Bruce - 1:46:26
Mar 2013 2013年3月- Claire Chapman - 1:58:42
Apr 2014  2014年4月- Zein Williams - 1:28:37
Apr 2015 2015年4月- Zein Williams - 1:37:54
Feb 2016 2016年2月- Zein Williams - 1:28:45
Apr 2017 2017年4月- Magdalena Cvetkovic - 1:45:29

Mar 2018 2018年3月- Stephanie Roland - 1:28:28

May 2019 2019年5月 Lauren Decoff 01:37:21

Sept 2022 2022年9月 Alice McLeod 01:42:30

Course Designer  - Designed by Michael Maddess who has worked on over 290 events.

路線設計 – 由曾主辦超過190場賽事的麥龍生設計


Please be considerate and turn your music down so you can hear others approaching. See rules & regulations tab on this page. If you must pass someone please yell, “passing on your left” or “passing on your right”. If someone is passing you please be considerate and let them overtake you. No pushing and shoving please.


How much water / sport drink to start with??? RECOMMEND SPORT DRINK AS SODIUM INSIDE TO REDUCE CRAMPING.

You must bring your own drinks to start with so recommend:

1 - 1.5 liters of water or sport drink– If you plan on walking the course bring at least 2-3 gels and maybe 1 energy bar.

起步時須要多少水/運動飲品??? 建議帶備運動飲品以減少抽筋機會



Hydration on Friday & Saturday BEFORE RACE DAY

Recommend stay well hydrated 2 days leading up to race - drink lots of water the day before the race. Don’t just drink water but get minerals / electrolytes in your body as well.



Food on Friday & Saturday BEFORE RACE DAY

Recommend starting carbo-loading at least 48 hours before the race and not just waiting until the night before. AVOID MEAT THE NIGHT BEFORE as takes more than 24 hours to fully digest and will make you feel sluggish. Try to have a good breakfast (banana oatmeal, rice, etc) at least 2-3 hours before the start of the race in order for good digestion.



Garbage on the course




 Sunscreen and Clothing

Recommend using sunscreen on back of neck, shoulders, face and arms as in any kind of weather you can get burnt.

Shirts - Recommend wearing lightweight singlet or the official quick dry material singlet given out at registration if you have paid and registered before the race. Quick dry material will dry fast when wet.

Shorts - Normal running shorts are fine. See running short specials at Action X Store www.actionxstore.com (Sheung Wan) Go recce the course and find out which is best for you.




可到 Action X (上環或愉景灣)選購, 透過試路找出合適的裝備。


Action X - Sheung Wan上環













44 Days

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