26 Apr, 2025
44 Days
Bus departure at Yuen Long - 6:45, Prince Edward - 6:45, Shatin departing at 6:45am. Please show your bus ticket that is attached to back of race number that you get at race pack pick up.
Personal arrangements
If you are to head to the starting by yourself or via personal transport. Please note that the race starting point is at Repulse Bay Beach. Location is here (on beach !!): https://goo.gl/maps/jp1aNKKngimyHzDv5
如果你是自行安排交通,請住意起點是在淺水灣. 地址: https://goo.gl/maps/jp1aNKKngimyHzDv5
大會巴士收費: (Bus departure time will be on your ticket if you purchase bus ticket at time of registration - if forgot pls email us immediately)
Location 上車地點 |
Prince Edward - 6:45am 太子 |
Shatin - 6:45am 沙田 |
Yuen Long - 6:45am 元朗 |
Fee 費用 |
HK$40 港元 |
HK$40 港元 |
HK$40 港元 |