25 Jan, 2025
Event Name: 活動名稱: |
Hong Kong 50 WEST - Race 3 of HK50 Series 香港西部 50 – 香港50系列賽 (第3站) |
Date: 日期: |
(Saturday) January 25, 2025 2025年1月25日(星期六) |
Start Time: 起步時間: |
6:30 am (55km), 6:40am (25km), 6:50am (11km) 上午6:30 (55公里,) 6:40am -(25公里), 6:50am-(11公里) |
Start/Finish: 起點/終點: |
Shing Mun Reservoir Catchwater, Tsuen Wan (2 minutes walk (300m inside gate) from Shing Mun Pineapple Dam mini bus stop) 城門水塘引水道, 荃灣 (由城門菠蘿壩小巴總站步行2分鐘) |
Distance: 賽程: |
50km, 25km, 11km (ITRA index 3 points 55km and ITRA index 1 point 25km) 50公里, 25公里, 11公里 |
Shuttle bus service: 大會巴士: |
FROM: 從以下地點出發: 金鐘, 元朗- 上午5:20開出 |
Category: 賽事類別: |
Trail Running and Hiking 越野跑及遠足 |
Three distances (11km-25km-55km) to watch sunrise over Tai Mo Shan (HK’s tallest mountain. One of the easier 50km ultra marathons with a very runnable course covering Shing Mun – Tai Mo Shan – Tai Lam areas. Prize money for top 5 in 55km.
三個越野跑距離(11公里 - 25公里 - 55公里)可觀賞大帽山日出(香港最高的山)。這是一個較易的50公里超級馬拉松,賽道非常適合跑步,涵蓋城門 - 大帽山 - 大欖地區。55公里的前五名將有獎金。
1 Green minibus No. 82 from Siu Wo Street, Tsuen Wan (2 minute walk from minibus stop at Pineapple Dam, Shing Mun Reservoir to Start/Finish)
2 KMB 32, 36, 40P, 40X, 46P, 46X, 46A, 47X, 48X, 73X, 234C, 273C, 273P, 278P, 278X – Get off at the bus stop Ho Fung College, Wo Yi Hop Road, and walk about 15 to Start/Finish)
1 綠色專線小巴82號 – 從荃灣兆和街至城門菠蘿壩小巴站,步行2分鐘至起點。
2 乘坐九巴32, 36, 40P, 40X, 46P, 46X, 46A, 47X, 48X, 73X, 234C, 273C, 273P, 278P, 278X於和宜合道可風中學下車,步行15分鐘至起點。
Insurance - Organizer provides 3rd party insurance for event only. Participants should purchase their own personal insurance to cover hospital medical coverage and evacuation if needed.
保險 - 主辦單位只提供活動第三者責任保險。參加者應購買個人保險,以應付醫院醫療及意外撤離費用。
Shirt - 2025
Finisher Medal 完成獎牌 (old version as will update photo soon of 2022 medals for 25/54).
Shuttle bus locations 大會巴士上車地點
Bus departure at Prince Edward, Shatin and Admiralty departing. Please show your bus ticket that is attached to back of race number that you get at race pack pick up. (Yuen Long bus needs a minimum of 10 ticket purchases or bus ticket refunded 7 days before race).