10 Mar, 2019


2019 - Healthy Hike & Run

 10 Mar, 2019
 Tai Tong Shan, Tai Lam, N.T., Hong Kong Trail hike and run options

Training Day 訓練日

Joining “Healthy Hike and Run” on March 10 can enjoy complimentary training workshop on 10 Feb (Sun) afternoon and well prepared for the race! The training will be conducted by Fit Mom Lena Tsang, mother of 2 young kids and Spartan official trainer as well as trail runner just won the US World Spartan Championship, Lake Tahoe (1st place amongst all Asian women’ s team). Let' s exercise and have fun.

Date: February 10, 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 14:00 -16:30
Meeting time: 13:45
Qualification: Runners joining "2019 Healthy Hike & Run" on 10 March
Training venue & route: Running from Kennedy Town -> Pofulam area -> Cyberport (about 7km ) -> physical training exercise & sharing session of training
Meeting point: Kennedy Town MTR Station (Exit A) (bag storage will be arranged before training)
Quota: 30 people (first come first serve basis, successful registration will be notified by email.)
Language: Cantonese (English translation if necessary)

* Bags storage will be arranged (please take along your valuable belongings with you)

Registration for "2019 Healthy Hike & Run Healthy" (10 March) https://goo.gl/BcxyLm

Registration for " 2019 Healthy Hike & Run Training Workshop by Lena Tsang " (10 Feb)  https://goo.gl/forms/3JIX99ktnKDLWJ7G2

* we will contact you if your registration succeeded, any no show on the day will be prohibited to join next AAE complimentary training event.

About Lena Tsang
Lena Tsang, a mother of two (9-year-old Javis & 6-years-old Daniel), started physical exercise and weight training to lose weight 5 years ago, and eventually became a Fit Mum. She took part in Spartan Race in various countries (USA, Malaysia & Hong Kong) and won several prizes including 1st place among all Asian’ s women’ s team in US World Spartan Championship, Lake Tahoe as well as 2nd place in Overall Women Elite in Spartan Malaysia 50km Ultra Beast in 2018, Lena also won a number of prizes in local trail running races including overall 2nd women in 2017 Sowers Action Hong Kong 42km. She is also Spartan Official Trainer and Fit Ball Instructor, and experienced in different types of physical training class.

Lena' s Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/LenaMaMaHK

【 Healthy Hike & Run 健康遠足及跑步賽 x Lena Tsang 訓練班】

我們 Action Asia Events 於 3 月 10 日舉行的「 Healthy Hike & Run 健康遠足及跑步賽」,分別有 5 公里、13公里及19公里,適合越野跑手及路跑手參加。今次又找了為大家提供免費訓練,於賽前一個月(2月10日), Spartan 障礙賽教練 Lena Tsang,設計和帶領好玩又實用的 workshop,讓大家在賽前訓練有素。

日期: 2019 年 2 月 10 日 (日)
訓練時間: 14:00 -16:30
報到及集合時間: 13:45
參加資格:凡參加「Healthy Hike & Run 健康遠足及跑步賽」(5 公里、13公里及19公里)之參加者,均可以免費參加是次訓練。
訓練地點及路線:堅尼地城跑至薄扶林 ->數碼港(約 7 公里) -> 體能訓練及訓練分享
集合地點: 堅尼地城地鐵站 A 出口 (會安排行李寄存)
名額:30人 (名額有限,先報先得,成功報名會有專人通知)
語言:廣東話 (如有需要,會有英文翻譯)


「2019 Healthy Hike & Run 健康遠足及跑步賽」比賽報名 (3月10日) https://goo.gl/BcxyLm
Healthy Hike & Run 健康遠足及跑步賽 x Lena Tsang 訓練班(2月10日)  https://goo.gl/forms/3JIX99ktnKDLWJ7G2

* 如閣下成功報名登記,大會會聯絡你以作確實,如活動當日不出席而又沒有通知大會,閣下會被禁止出席之後本公司之免費訓練活動。

有關 Lena Tsang
Lena Tsang(Lena 媽媽),育有兩名兒子的雙職媽媽 (長子Javis 9 歲, 次子 Daniel 6歲) 。Lena 於 5 年前因減肥而開始做體能訓練和運動,減掉40磅,成為 Fit Mum。近兩年參加香港及世界各地舉行的體能挑戰競賽斯巴達障礙賽(Spartan Race),獲得多個獎項,包括最近於美國 US World Spartan Championship, Lake Tahoe 獲得亞洲女子隊冠軍以及於馬來西亞 Spartan Malaysia 50km Ultra Beast 女子精英組全場第二名。於本地越野賽亦屢獲殊榮,包括 2017年於苖圃行動 42 公里獲全場女子第二名。Lena 本身是 Spartan Official Trainer 和 Fit Ball Instructor,不時開班教授徒教授體能。

Lena Ma Ma Facebook 專頁: www.facebook.com/LenaMaMaHK