Cross training and Yoga are recommendations of Cai Rengui - top trail runner and running coach from Shenzhen
Q1: Why do you choose to race in MSIG Sai Kung 50 this year?
I ran the course in 2015 and live in Shenzhen so it is quite convenient for me to race in Hong Kong. I enjoy challenging myself by participating in races like Sai Kung 50 where you could experience a wide variety of technical trails, especially some steep downhills.
Q2: How do you train for Sai Kung 50?
Regularly I do weight training and cross-training by swimming and riding bicycle in the morning and running in the afternoon. Apart from regular training, I will add more mountain running in my training schedule before the race. I usually run 25km-35 km on weekends and do yoga two to three times a week. But I would not recommend regular runners to use fixed training mode too often.
Q3: Do you have special diet before races?
I don’t have special diet and I love spicy Hunan dishes. But I will avoid eating too much spicy food before Sai Kung 50.
Q4: You ranked among the top 22 in the last MSIG Sai Kung race. What’s your expectation this year and what is your expected finish time?
I hope to complete the race without any injuries. I will be very happy if I could beat my time of last year and finish the race in 6 hours.
Q5: Do you have any suggestions for the first-timers?
For the first-time participants, my suggestion is to warm up and get used to running on the course at the beginning of the race so don’t push yourself too hard at first. Although there is no extremely steep hill in Sai Kung 50, the 50km course is overall very challenging. If you are a first-timer, you need to pay extra attention to those technical downhills and try to relax your body at the same time. If you feel the pressure on your body, you should consider slowing down and consider using hiking poles.
Q1: 為什麼再次選擇參加動感亞洲的西貢50?
Q2: 賽前訓練 - 你是如何為西貢50做準備的?
平常我都有保持常規的訓練,我會進行交叉訓練,一般早晨安排游泳和踏單車,下午跑步。 在越野賽前我會可以多加入一些山地訓練,而週末的拉練我就會安排25-35公里,並且每週也會做重量訓練以及2到3次瑜伽。 訓練需要因人而異,我不主張普通練習者使用太多固定模式訓練。
Q3: 你會為準備西貢50控制飲食嗎?
我對飲食沒有特別控制而且我很喜歡湖南菜。 但在賽前我會避免攝入辛辣或者味道太刺激的食物。
Q4: 上一次比賽已經是前22名了, 對今年比賽有什麼期待? 預計完賽時間是多少?
Q5: 有什麼建議給第一次參加西貢50的跑手?
對於第一次參加的跑友,我建議出發時盡可能慢一些,這樣可以相對舒適的進入熱身狀態,同時又可以安全的瞭解和適應賽道。 西貢50雖然單個爬升並不算厲害,但是複雜的路況對於個人的上下坡技術卻是很大考驗,特別是下坡一定要足夠專注力並且保持身體放鬆柔和,當感覺到身體有壓力時一定放慢速度並且考慮使用登山杖。