Race Media


13 Apr, 2017

I will never be the quickest runner

 “I will never be the quickest runner, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of the sport”

Sarah Green, a trail enthusiast who have just got into trail running for a year and registered for the whole SPRINT series this year.  

1. How many times have you participated in our races before? Is it your first time to join C3fit Bonaqua Action SPRINT Trail Series - Repulse Bay?

I started trail racing almost exactly a year ago (April 2016).  Prior to that, I had barely done any running at all, even for fitness.  My first race was the C3fit Bonaqua Action SPRINT Trail Series - Discovery Bay.  I had so much fun on this race that I credit it with giving me the trail running “bug”! Since then I have participated on many Action Asia Events races, including the MSIG series and the Nepal Ultra 2016 (photos included).  The variety of distances means there is a good opportunity to “build up” to more complex routes each time in order to become a better runner. This is the first time I will be racing in the Repulse Bay SPRINT though. I’m looking forward to it!

2. What got you into running?

My entry into running is probably the same as many in Hong Kong.  A combination of: fair winter weather, access to the trails, and many races to choose from - all made it an easy activity to get into.  I always enjoyed hiking and so trail races seemed like a cool thing to get in to.  I like the atmosphere on races and the sense of achievement and wellbeing I get from it.

3. How trail running changed your life? How to balance the daily work and pre-race training?

As much as time allows, daily work and training complement one another.  I like to relax and clear my head at the weekend by hiking in the mountains.  I do other fitness activities in the week to maintain an all-round lifestyle and avoid over-training on running.  For me, running is supposed to be fun, so I train enough but not too much for it to become a laborious chore!

4. How do you encourage your family, friends or other people to join trail running?

I don’t evangelize to people about starting trail running, but when people say to me that they “aren’t fit enough” or “too slow", I tell them to look at my example as someone who will never be the quickest runner, but who gets a lot of enjoyment out of the sport.

5. What are your expectations for this race?

I don’t tend to set myself specific goals beyond getting myself round in one piece with no injuries. Ultimately, I’m not the fastest runner on the planet so I run when I can, and hike when I can’t. I aim to challenge myself and go as quick as I can but mainly I will just enjoy the occasion.



挑戰一連三場C3fit Bonaqua動感亞洲越野跑系列賽的新晉越野女生Sarah Green, 與我們分享越野跑之趣

在今年C3fit Bonaqua動感亞洲越野跑系列賽事中,有一名連續報名三場比賽的女跑手——Sarah Green。要知道,Sarah去年才剛從越野跑壇“出道”,一年多前,她還是名幾乎不怎麼跑步,甚至不健身的都市人。


成為一名跑手十分偶然,去年,Sarah報名參加了C3fit Bonaqua動感亞洲越野跑系列賽愉景灣站的比賽。比賽的熱烈氛圍讓她記憶深刻,自此以後Sarah便與越野跑結下了不解之緣。用她自己的話就是:「跑完C3fit Bonaqua動感亞洲越野跑系列賽愉景灣站後,就對越野跑‘上癮’了,不跑不舒服!」


為了成為一名更好的跑手,一年的時間裡,她參加了多場動感亞洲的比賽,體驗不同距離、不同形式的賽道,包括MSIG HK50系列賽,尼泊爾極限2016等。Sarah說:「越野跑是一件很酷的事,我享受徒步的感覺和比賽帶來的成就感!」






當問及如何鼓勵其他人參與到跑步這項運動中時,Sarah 告訴我們,她並不喜歡向他人宣傳越野跑的好處,但當別人對她說他們“不適合跑步”或“跑太慢”的時候,她總會告訴那些人:「人永遠不會是最快的跑手,但總能從跑步中得到樂趣。」






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