Race Media


20 Nov, 2020

Wong Ho Chung on 50 in Hong Kong - believes can lower time

Wong Ho Chung (North Face) experiments on HK50

Wong's virtual run starting at the Peak on HK Island and finishing 50km at Wong Nai Chung Gap - believes can go faster - Action Asia Events

1. When was the last time you ran on HK Island?
This summer HK360 Challenge, but more road and city view around the HK island.

2. Which device did you use to save the gpx file and did you find yourself stopping a lot to figure out where to go everytime you reached a trail junction?
I use the Suunto watch. And 「香港遠足路線」apps in my phone , to find out the whole way and all the junction.

3. How many river streams did you drink out of with your water filter bottle? Any extra purchased water used and what was total water consumption.
For the first half, there is not many water point. But I start early and have big breakfast, I finish first half without refill.
Second half , gas station for some food, Tai Fung Au 2 times for water.
I totally I drink 3 L water.
The course is easy to find out water and easy for self-support to finish 50km.

4. We know you train a lot, but did you think your training was suited for this fast course or could you have trained different to get a better result?
There is a lot strong runner training in HK Island . I think my finish time is not really fast enough. Can be better.
Anyway , I spend few minutes for say hello with friends and checking the correct way on some junction.

5. What was your favorite part of the course and why?
I think it is the last mountain Violet hill. There is a beautiful view to see the sea , sky and the mountain.

6. Anything happen along the way that was unusual or that was a funny or good memory?
My wife drive me to the peak , she went shopping for 5hours and then pick me up at the finish line ?
Wong Ho Chung

A big congradulations from Action Asia Events to Wong Ho Chung (North Face) for a blistering time considering a virtual race where he had to use river streams and petrol station to re-fill and managed an impressive 5 hours 4 minutes (5:04:00) for the 50km course.

Michael Maddess - Action Asia Events

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